acting workshop

1/6 - 5/6, 10 am - 5 pm
6/6 - 7/6, 10 am - 6 pm
8/6 - 12/6, 10 am - 5 pm

Anthony Montes

„. . . I’m like a chemist, I like to add a little bit of Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Chekhov and bring in some of my own methods I’ve created among the way”

Anhony Montes (Berlin interview 2017)

acting workshop

JUNE 1 - JUNE 5 FROM 10 am - 5 pm
june 6 - june 7 from 10 am - 6 pm
june 8 - june 12 from 10 am - 5 pm

Anthony Montes

„. . . I’m like a chemist, I like to add a little bit of Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Chekhov and bring in some of my own methods I’ve created among the way”

Anhony Montes (Berlin interview 2017)

Is it for you?

Genre: Film acting

Degree of difficulty: Both for beginners and professionals

Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite

Schedule: 5 day acting course / weekend intensive course


monthes Method

Let’s see some videos with Anthony’s words about his philosophy.

Part 1. Introduction

Introduce myself and give a brief history of Sanford Meisner and his acting technique

Repetition Exercise

Based on the Sanford Meisner Technique, I introduce the student to the

exercise. They begin standing across from each other. The exercise is

designed to train them to listen, to work moment to moment off each

other, eliminate thinking from their acting, gives them a sense of public

solitude on stage.

Part 2.
Independent activity & coming to the door

Start class with the Repetition Exercise.

This is a Meisner exercise combining the Repetition and Improvisation.

Half the class will be doing an activity that I will give them. The activity

is physically demanding and emotionally meaningful with a sense of

urgency. The student coming to the door will learn to be a “Leaf in the wind.” Can the

student actually feel empathy for the other student. The students begin to learn that

what they do, does not depend on them. It depends on the other person. The Student

learns to live truthfully under the Imaginary Circumstances.

Part 3.
Introduction to Emotional Preparation

Start class with the Repetition Exercise
I will do an exercise called the 5 Part Place Exercise which will show the student how to
emotional prepare for a scene or exercise. I also will introduce the relaxation Exercise.
Independent Activity & Coming to the Door
The student will be required to bring in their own activity. The difficulty will strengthen
their concentration, the reason why they are doing it will strengthen their imagination.
The student will emotionally prepare on the meaning of the activity.

Part 4.
Relationship exercise

Start Class with the Repetition Exercise.
The relationship and an emotional life will now be added to the activity
and the person coming to the door. The student will learn to be emotionally full for
the scene and have to do more than one thing at the same time, (activity,
listen, answer and feel.

Part 5.

Start Class with the Repetition Exercise
Everyone in the class will be given a monologue. They will be taught to Site Read. The
will learn how to break it down into BEATS. How to Interpret the piece. They will learn
the importance of making STRONG, PERSONAL and ACTIVE choices. They will Learn
how to Improvise the monologue by doing a PARTICULARIZATION. The will learn to
make choices on, Who they are talking to, Why they are saying this, What do they want
& What happens if they don’t get it.



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